

Finnsheep, also known as Finnish Landrace, are a breed which traces its roots to Finland. The breed is one of the oldest varieties of sheep in existence and it is assumed that Finnsheep are the direct descendants of the Mouflon that roam freely on Corsica and Sardinia.

Modern Finnsheep are similar to other Scandinavian sheep breeds today and they have short tails and an alert demeanor.

Finnsheep Breed History & Facts

The breed was first introduced to Canada in 1966 and soon afterwards the first Finnsheep were imported to the United States (in 1968). This breed is on the smaller end of the spectrum and typically has a fine carcass.

Their faces are open, offering the breed excellent vision, and these sheep provide a decent quantity of wool each year with a moderate staple length. Wool from the Finnish Landrace breed tends to be primarily white, but color variations do exist within this breed and are acceptable.

Why Raise Finnsheep?

This breed makes excellent mothers and deliver more lambs per ewe than any other sheep breed – a trait which makes them an excellent choice in commercial crossbreeding programs which place an emphasis on productive, prolific ewe flocks.

Finnsheep lambs provide lean carcasses and the breed typically thrives in a variety of conditions, living for a long period of time relative to other breeds of sheep.

These factors, and the versatility of the breed make this type of sheep popular to raise in both purebred flocks, and as a foundation for crossbred ewe flocks.

Breed Information

MATURE BODY WEIGHTRam: 160-220 lbs.
Ewe: 120-160 lbs.
USDA Wool Grade: 48’s-60’s

Visit the Finnsheep Breeders Association website for more information or to find a reputable breeder near you.